Latest Minutes
July 2018
Attendance at our July General Meeting was 47 including visitors and it appears our earlier start time of 10.00am
is working well. Those present enjoyed a sausage sizzle following the meeting which is a regular event and allows for
a little “mateship” for all.
Reports of the State Congress held recently in Cairns were presented with advice that the proposed Constitution has to be re-structured and so more consultations with sub-branches will occur over the next few months.
Welfare Officer Rick Black advised some of the veterans he is in contact with in “Care” have expressed a desire to
attend our General Meetings. He has since sourced the Qld Gov’t initiative of the Taxi Subsidy Scheme which may allow eligible members to use this service. Information is available from: or 1300 134 755
Previous Month
Our April meeting was attended by 36 including visitors at the amended time of 0930. ( see further changes..)
All reports were submitted and approved which included information that our new Constitution was still undergoing rigorous attention given the new rules being applied by the ACNC to which our State body has to adhere. It is expected that the final document will be passed at the State Congress in June in Cairns.
A Bus Tour is planned for 6 June to Victoria Barracks and there are still seats available at $20 pp.
District President Pat Fairon advised that medals belonging to Dave Kimberley (dec’d) had been handed into the District Office. Pat would like to find any of Dave’s family to pass these important articles on. Please advise the Secretary if you are aware of any of the family remaining in the area.
Since this meeting, Management of Seagulls Club have agreed to change the Monthly Meeting Time again to a more manageable 10.00 hrs from our May meeting onwards. Please note this change….. Ed
Don’t forget, the Sub-Branch General Meeting for all members is held 3rd Sunday of the month 10.00 hours.