Past Reports. (For older reports please refer to our Newsletter Archives)
June 2018
Members, our ANZAC DAY services were well attended, it appears that the crowds get greater each year. This could be the result of each School having their own ANZAC DAY service which is well attended not only by the students but also parents. I thank Mr. Geoff Maltby our School Representative for the work he does in School
visits, before ANZAC and REMEMBRANCE Days. Thank you, Geoff.
My thanks to all who participated in our ANZAC march, it seems to get longer each year. A special thanks to the Ladies for leading the march, well done. Our badge and Poppy sales this year was good and thanks to those who gave freely of their time to assist in the sales and our Meat Tray Raffles each Saturday progressing well
although we need more members to give of their time in selling tickets. Please step forward and assist.
The Salvation Army Anzac Church service was well attended and I thank members for their support. The morning tea put on by the Church was well received. Our next service will be on Sunday the 18th November. Please put that date in your diary.
The Football season has started and again I require members to man the B.B.Q. Please see me. Home games only, which are on Saturdays. Members, I realize that this the season for hibernation, but please endeavour to attend our Monthly meetings. I enjoy your company and do make myself available for anyone who wishes to
talk with me about matters of concern, or suggestions.
So far this year I have attended the Coral Sea service, two Funerals and a reunion. The reunion was for No. 13 Radio Apprentice’s I trained in their basic RAAF programs in 1959. The reunion was held in Hobart. I also have Bomber Command service on Sunday 3rd June at Amberley; this will be followed by several others. All of these
services will be advertised in our Newsletter and anyone wishing to attend must notify the Secretary. (Seating limited).
Barbara, thank you for your report on the Ladies group it’s pleasing to see that numbers are growing. Also, please remember that we are having a Morning Tea for members, their partners and friends in July, date to be advised.
The repairs and alterations to the Cenotaph are still being considered; the hold-up is the cost factor, but it will be done in time for Remembrance Day.
Members, in the absence of our Welfare Officer Mr. Tony Banner, Mr. Rick Black and I will undertake his duties. So, if any members know of a member who requires assistance or just a visit please let us know.
To the management and staff of the Seagulls Football Club, thank you for your service on ANZAC DAY and the ongoing use of your facilities. Our Sub Branch gratefully appreciates it.
Bruce Main, President Mob. 0438 744 750
May 2018
Members, firstly I wish to thank all members who gave of their time to assist in the sale of Poppies and Badges, also to those of you who helped in the set up and dismantle of the equipment and chairs on ANZAC DAY, a job well done.
I also thank Cherry Bernayse, Lorraine Hatton, The Salvation Army and Bugler, The Piper, 221Sqn. the suppliers of, and for managing the sound system, the V8 Car Club, the SES, our MC Mr Pat Fairon and our distinguished guests
and members of the Public who attended our Service, both Dawn and Day.
It was also pleasing to see so many cheer off Ms Sally Cameron. Sally ran in remembrance of her Pop a WW2 Veteran, and ran from our Cenotaph to Tweed Heads and wishes to attend our 2019 Dawn service and do the run again, she will be most welcome. I also thank the Schools for their part in our special day. They marched with pride and paid their respect to our ANZACS as did others.
Members, our ANZAC football match was a spectacular success, and a special thank you to Seagulls Football Club for allowing and organising the event. A special thanks to Dean Cummins and Graham Gleeson, the Mudgeeraba Light Horse Brigade, Zanna Carey for suppling the beautiful white Doves, Barry Somers, both Senior and Junior teams.
Also a special thanks to our B.B.Q. Chefs Shane Anderson and Glenn Dunn.
The water feature at our Cenotaph will undergo maintenance to prevent the birds leaving behind droppings all over the area “soon”. Members, remember that our Bus trip is on the 6th June, if you don’t have a ticket please see Barry Medlin.
Our Saturday Raffles are well accepted and to those members who week after week sell the tickets thank you. (More sellers and helpers are required please step up.)The ANZAC Church service was well attended and I thank those who attended. The morning tea was great. “Thank you Norma.”
Members , as I have said in all Newsletters my office door is always open, for those of you who wish to talk with me about matters related to the functions and running of our Sub Branch, all constructive and palatable criticism will be taken aboard, or, you may ring me on 0438774750. Thank you.
Bruce Main, President Mob. 0438 774 750